Sacred Insignia

What is the spiritual reason that we perform a bris / brit milah? Why do we circumcise our sons? Why on the eighth day? Isn’t this boy perfect the way he is? What do the babies want? How can we make the ceremony beautiful and sacred? How do I initiate my son into a life of the sacred? 

Responses to these questions are given from the ancient Jewish wisdom tradition including Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Chassidic, and Mizrachi rabbis, and Kabbalah. This book presents a case for Brit Milah and for conducting the ceremony in a beautiful, sacred, and soulful way. The book also asks: What about pain? And is it traumatic? The book responds with responses from medical doctors in support of brit milah / bris.

This book is for parents who are trying to decide whether to give a brit milah to their sons who are about to be born, and for those who want to know why. It is also for rabbis, cantors, chaplains, and scholars who want to understand the Jewish spirituality of this rite of passage.

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Brit Milah (or “bris”) leads to a life of generosity and kindness to others. It is an experience of unity of one’s soul with one’s body. It is an expression of oneness with God and an open heart.

It is a counterbalance to arrogance and an embodiment of humility. In the words of the Zohar,  Brit Milah is a “sacred insignia,” an embodiment of a life-long commitment to a life of holiness. It is an embodiment of spirituality within sacred sexuality shared by husband and wife.



Multiple Meanings of Brit, Milah, and Oht. The book explores the meanings of three Hebrew words: Brit, Milah, and Oht (covenant, circumcision, and sign). In this way, the reader gains an appreciation of the rich meanings and spiritual significance of brit milah.

The Ceremony. The book explains the elements of the ceremony including the circumcision itself, the Sandak, the Mohel, Elijah, and the mother. Suggestions are provided for the creation of a gentle, beautiful, spiritual, and meaningful Brit Milah (“bris”). This includes things to do the night before  and the day of the ceremony to help the ceremony be beautiful, peaceful, sacred, and holy. The full Hebrew text of the ceremony with an English translation is provided, accompanied by footnotes that provide and explain the sources of each of the ceremony elements.

Medical Science. An entire chapter is dedicated to and provides a summary of the current medical science of circumcision and scientific studies of its effects on hundreds of thousands of men. It summarizes many scientific studies conducted by experienced and well-respected medical doctors and scientists. These scientific studies conclude that circumcision is safe and protects boys and men from serious illness and disease.

Sacred Sexuality Within Marriage. The book shares the Jewish tradition’s ancient wisdom regarding relationship of husband and wife, sacred sexuality, arousal of love and desire, connection, and revealing the feminine within the masculine.

Women and Girls. The book includes a chapter that asks the question “Is there a covenant for girls and women?” and responds from the tradition. Another chapter provides an analysis of the meanings of three Hebrew words: niddah,  tamei, and tahor as they pertain to a woman during her menstrual period. Alternative translations of niddah and tamei are provided based on a study of their etymology. The result is a positive and respectful view of women and their bodies. Another chapter provides a helpful, positive, and powerful explanation of the Torah status of women who have recently given birth.

“I highly recommend this book for all parents who are concerned about this practice and whether to perform it on their son(s) and why, and for all Jewish clergy to study and learn more about this.”

- Rabbi Stan Levy, Congregation B’nai Horin – Children of Freedom, Los Angeles, California, USA

“This courageous, forthright yet sensitive work refreshingly illumines the profound spiritual significance of the Jewish practice of circumcision and its practical influence on all aspects of our characters and behavior, and particularly upon the marital relationship and the building of our homes, our families and our people. Rabbi Gevirtz’s imaginative and insightful use of a wide array of teachings by the outstanding masters of Torah spirituality of all the ages will inspire Jewish couples facing the circumcision of a newborn baby and set to rest any anxieties they may experience. It will also provide a powerful and very timely antidote to the rampant moral confusion in the surrounding culture and the growing clamor of hostile voices raised in challenge against this fundamental pillar of Jewish purity and survival.”

- Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum, Azamra Institute, Jerusalem, Israel

“A new, learned, deeply searching, and creative approach to the ancient rite of Brit Milah. In this time when new Jewish parents are questioning even this most fundamental Jewish precept, Rabbi Gevirtz offers an approach that is grounded in tradition and also attuned to modern concerns and sensibilities.”

- Rabbi Stephen E. Cohen, Congregation Bnai Brith, Santa Barbara, California, USA

“I have looked through Rabbi Gevirtz’s book and seen that it is GOOD. It presents a difficult subject in a very open and helpful way. May its message reach many people, especially young people, but all people struggling with sexuality and its place in the spiritual life. I bless the author that the message of this holy book be spread far and wide and that people understand the great gift it presents.”

- Rabbi Avraham Sutton, Jerusalem, Israel

“This book is full of light, and full of wisdom. It is truly the opus of a lifetime. For those of us who are wanting to understand Brit Milah more deeply, and deepen our love for this mitzvah, this is a phenomenal work, a compendium of great study and Torah erudition.”

- Rabbi Tirzah Firestone, PhD., Rabbi Emerita, Congregation Nevei Kodesh, Boulder, Colorado, USA

“Sacred Insignia is one of those rare works that is as relevant today as it will be in the future. Surely it will be read by generations to come. He brings what is esoteric to life and establishes an understanding of the practical implications of Kabbalah in daily life.
Sacred Insignia is an extraordinarily unique exemplar of scholarship that provides a literary map of connections between the mystical awareness of the Divine and the human body and its physical, psychological, and emotional experiences. I give my highest recommendation and encouragement for all to read and enjoy Sacred Insignia.”

- Rabbi Stephen Robbins, Psy.D., D.D., Professor of Mystical Thought, Liturgy, Lifecycle, and Practical Rabbinics at the Academy for Jewish Religion – California, , Co-founder of Temple N’vay Shalom with his wife Rabbi Cantor Eva Robbins, Los Angeles, California

“This is a work of sincerity from the inside out. I was taken by the clarity of his expression, the extensive sources exquisitely provided from an exceptionally wide range of Jewish sources, the depth of the concepts that he was able to present with simplicity, and the humble questions presented within the discussions. I am grateful to have read this masterpiece on circumcision, sexuality and intimacy. It is fascinating, easy to read, modest, profound and thought provoking. Thank you Rav Elihu for this tremendous contribution to the Jewish people and the world. May it inspire many paths of righteousness, increasingly beautiful intimacy within the homes of our people, and enhanced peace in our hearts, in the nation and in the world!”

- Nili Salem, International Teacher of Torah, Los Angeles, California, USA

“For anyone grappling with the question, “Should we circumcise our precious son?” Sacred Insignia will enrich you with knowledge, insight, and remarkable stories empowering you on the this most personal, vulnerable, and covenantal journey. For the spiritually curious, an introduction towards the most beautiful and intimate bond between God and Man lies ahead – enjoy!”

- Rabbi and Mohel Rabbi Eliyahu Weisman, Portland, Oregon, USA

“Sacred Insignia is an impressive work of scholarship on a most precious of subjects, the Brit, and the relationship between husband and wife. Rabbi Gevirtz brings information and cites many sources that can expand many people’s knowledge and understanding of these important topics that are most often spoken about behind closed doors for the sake of modesty, if spoken about al all.”

- Rav Dror Moshe Cassouto, The Emunah Project, Israel

“A sensitive and wise guide to Brit Milah and the life of spirit it heralds and celebrates.”

- Rabbi David Wolpe, Sinai Temple, Los Angeles, California, USA

“This book illustrates the intersection of ethics and kabbalah, bringing us a new, elucidated understanding of this mitzvah, and the deep meaning laden within this Divine command.”

- Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz, Uri L’Tzedek: Orthodox Social Justice, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

“My wife and I were expecting the birth of our first son in a few months. As the time of his birth approached, I knew that I would give him a brit milah, but I did not have the knowledge of why.
As a result of reading Sacred Insignia, and in particular, the suggestions for a spiritual brit milah, the accessible translation and explanations of the ritual, my wife and I were able to have a brit milah ceremony for our newborn son that was beautifully welcoming of him, a sacred rite of passage, and a profoundly moving experience for us, our relatives, and friends.
Notably, several of our relatives told me afterward that they were deeply touched and had never before witnessed such a holy, sacred, loving, and peaceful brit milah as what they had just witnessed and been a part of. It was truly a sacred experience for my son and all of us who were present; it was that way in large part because of this book’s influence on me.”

- Anonymous father in Los Angeles, California, USA

Rabbi Elihu Gevirtz

I was ordained by a Beit Din (Rabbinic Court) consisting of my teachers Rabbi Mel Gottlieb, Rabbi Stan Levy, Rabbi Mordecai Finley, and Rabbi Stephen Robbins at the Academy for Jewish Religion – California in 2012. My teachers include Rabbi Ronnie Serr, Rabbi Haim Ovadia, Rabbi Elijah Shochet, Reb Mimi Feigelson, Rav Dror Cassouto, Rabbi Eliyahu Weisman, Rabbi Motti Wilhelm, Dr. Joel Gereboff, Rabbi Daniel Bouskila, Rabbi J.B. Sacks, Rabbi Miriam Glazer, Rabbi Toba August, and others.

I am a botanist and wildlife biologist who studies native plants, animals, and ecosystems and works on habitat restoration and conservation in southern California. My major published scientific works include botanical and wildlife studies of several ecological reserves, state parks, and other natural areas, and several habitat restoration plans. Over the years, I worked to establish several nature preserves in Santa Barbara County, California. I am currently studying the songs of western meadowlarks. Finally, I have recently published a collection of playful short stories for children titled “Superfluous the Dragon and Other Tall Tales.” I live with my family in the United States.

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